GenZ needs to step up its game if it wants to come for Millennials.

Caitlin Burns
2 min readFeb 28, 2021

This week’s hottest pointless internet argument is that GenZ is cancelling side parts and skinny jeans sparking an intergenerational holy war.

What these rookies don’t seem to realize is that you cannot kill what is already dead.

It’s time for some real talk, GenZ.

Zennials — that’s right, I’m using your full name — it’s time for some real talk, it’s adorable that you’re coming for us and honestly, thank god, because it’s getting boring dunking on boomers, but…

When we were your age, we had already killed multiple social media platforms and remixed their bones into a meaty meme soup. We moved on to killing entire industries before you were in light-up shoes.

Millennials are absolute CULTURE NECROMANCERS laying waste to all we survey then making a puppet from the corpses, and GenZ wants to drag us about side parts? Please.

Just look at the Millennial body count:



Caitlin Burns

Producer, Director, Transmedia OG, and Emerging Media Business Consultant. I’ve worked in Film, TV, Games, Space Tourism and Themed Entertainment.